How to wear High waisted Jeans

The most significant advantages of wearing high waisted jeans are there is no dreaded muffin-top, you don’t have to suck up your belly, and it’s effortless to style. If you are short in height, it’s the perfect choice for you as it makes your leg look longer. They perfectly keep your tucked-in shirt in line, and it gives a different look every time. Best of all, there is no fear of plumber’s crack. No wonder! Why high-waist jeans are so much in demand.

Due to its trendiness, you must have gotten five pairs of them, but now you have no idea how to style or wear them. You are unsure which way it will look best on you. Don’t worry; we have identified ten tips to wear and not wear your jeans to look flawless and sophisticated. You can use them to make your look effortless and stunning.

  1. Avoid puffy or blousy tops.

A puffy and blousy top above high-waist jeans is a big no-no. The high-waist jeans already have volume and a lot of coverage area. If you are wearing a more volume top, then the top will compete with the look. As a result, you can look like a chicken lollipop where the full attention is on the body’s upper part.

  1. Wear them with a tucked-in top

You can flaunt your high-waist jeans with a tucked-in top. If you are wearing it with the un-tucked top, you cover the jeans’ main feature, then what is the use of having them. As it is easy to style, it goes with every stylish top- long sleeve, plaid lumberjack, or your favorite boyfriend tee. Go ahead and wear them as you like.

Here is a small tip, do not pull out the shirt yourself; raise your arm for pulling the right amount of shirt out from the waist. It will give you the ideal blouson for a casual look. Wear it with high heels to bring a phenomenal character.

  1. Wear a crop top for the perfect look

A little peek of your midriffs can be sassy. Crop tops are especially for high-waste jeans. Since the high-waste covers almost every area of your abdomen, entire belly, and till the ankle, you have the chance of flaunting your midriff. If your crop top is flowy or loose, then it’s not a problem. Because of the cropped part, the top gets balanced with the jeans, but avoid it if possible. The cropped look goes with both shoes and heels. You can wear them to differentiate your look.

  1. Too revealing crop tops are a big no.

It’s a false misconception that bra tops look classy on high-waist jeans, but too much bare skin is not a good option, especially in a party event. If you feel like wearing it, wear something you are comfortable in and able to carry confidently. You don’t want to attend any party, try to cover yourself with a hand or scarf.

  1. Style with a long jacket

You can style your look by wearing solid colors with different proportions of length. You can try it with a long jacket or regular length jacket. Inside the coat, wear tops cropped or tucked in or knotted, whatever style you like. Accessorize it with small handbags and heels. For a different look, you can also try on belly shoes.

  1. Avoid bulky or short jackets.

The jackets that give a more comprehensive look can make you look awful. Try avoiding boxy shaped short jackets; they ruin entirely the accentuated waist created by high-waist jeans. The hourglass shape of your body will not be modified anymore, which we have been trying to achieve so far.

  1. Wear ideal hem length pants

No matter what type you are wearing, straight or flared high waisted pants, it is of the right length. It should come down on the top of the toes for an elegant look. For skinny high-waist jeans, it looks stunning if it’s of ankle length. If it’s any shorter, it will give a calf-length trouser look, and any longer, it will get stocked around your legs, which will make you look short.

  1. Say no to flood pants.

Flowy high-waist pants look good but don’t flood them. It just destroys the style. Everyone likes a flowy look, but you don’t want to look like you have to wade in floodwater. Some are even so uncomfortable to wear that there is a risk of getting tripped over.

  1. Streamlined cuts are the best.

If you are buying high-waist jeans, do not forget to get a sleek, streamlined cut pair. Every design of a streamlined silhouette has an advantage. Like pants having pleat brings out volume whereas tapered ankle-length even out the paper bag waist.

If you plan to wear a flared high-waist, get one with welt pockets and not slash or scoop pockets. This tip is to prevent the bulginess and enhancement of your midsection because of the pocket. If required, seal the pocket flat.

  1. Ignore shiny fabrics

When deciding between the different styles of high-waist jeans, ignore shiny fabric ones. It has many disadvantages. If you select loose high-waist pants with lustrous fabrics, it highlights every detail like wrinkle, crease, and pucker. If you are opting for tight high-waist pants with shiny fabrics, it puts all focus on too much.

The bottom line

Among all the fashion style of denim high waist jean is the one that fits in everybody shape; it lets you stand out attractively. It will never go off the trend and is perfect for every season. Make your wardrobe classy with the different collections – graceful silhouette, modified hemline, charming flair, deep wrinkles, dominant stripe, and many others. It gives a great body posture and hourglass shape with no bulging belly. Style them with high heels and different handbags; an accessory with pop color elevates the whole look. There are also many significant denim shorts collections; you can consider those too for a chic AF look.